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Home » Breg Polar Care Cube vs. Other Cold Therapy Units: What Sets It Apart?

Breg Polar Care Cube vs. Other Cold Therapy Units: What Sets It Apart?

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Breg Polar Care Cube vs. Other Cold Therapy Units: What Sets It Apart?

Cold therapy is one of the most common methods that can help manage pain and inflammation in specific areas of the body. Cold therapy is recommended by doctors when someone is injured or has to undergo surgery, or has undergone some types of surgeries. This method is simple: it involves the use of cold items like ice on the affected area to minimize inflammation and pain.

There are many devices for cold therapy, and one of the popular models is the Breg Polar Care device. The technique involves using cold water to cushion hurting parts, through placing of a pad on the respective area. One of the features of such treatment methods is that they can be easily applied at home and this is very important if you are to make the recovery process as comfortable as possible.

The Design and Technology of the Breg Polar Care Cube

The user-friendly nature of the Breg Polar Care Cube differentiates it from the others. What it includes is a cooler that is accompanied by a pump that forces cold water through a connected pad. This pad can be adjusted to fit any part of the body needed for therapy such as the knee, shoulder or back. This cooler can be refilled with ice and water, and it runs for several hours before the ice melts and requires replenishing, thus making it suitable for extended use during the day.

Another thing that sets the Breg Polar Care Cube apart from other kinds of technology is its simplicity. It has only a few parts: the cooler, the pump, and the pad, which as a matter of fact are very easy to assemble. The device is compact and runs smoothly, hence, you can use it without any sort of disturbance to your sleep or leisure time.

General Benefits of Using the Breg Polar Care Cube

The benefits of the application of Breg Polar Care Cube for cold therapy are as follows. First of all, it would allow painful situations to be alleviated without using drugs at all. When cold is applied directly to the affected part(s), the pain is reduced and the involuntary muscle contractions decrease as well. Secondly, it reduces oedema and inflammation; these are the usual reactions that the body has to any type of injury. These symptoms should be avoided or minimized as they may slow the process of healing.

What is more, the usage of the Breg Polar Care Cube has another benefit that concerns the stability of temperature. Unlike ice, which begins to thaw in a short time and is not suitable for therapy, this device maintains low temperatures at the necessary level. It aids in the delivery of relief over time, and this is what is required in healing, especially after surgeries or serious injuries.

Considerations When Choosing a Cold Therapy Unit

When choosing a cold therapy unit, the user friendliness should be considered depending on how often you are going to use it. Regarding simplicity, the Breg Polar Care Cube has its advantages because it is relatively easy to use and does not require much setup. Another factor that has to be considered is how long it takes the unit to stay at its freezing conditions.

Last but not the least, consider the flexibility of the device. The Breg Polar Care Cube has pads of different dimensions that can be used on different parts of the body and this makes it an advantageous product.